全国咨询热线: EN132-6228-9628


发布时间:2024-03-20 08:22:35 人气:790 来源:析浦科学


无尘室泛用的落尘监控设备(Particle Counter)只能在单位空间检测出环境落尘品质(Class/1000/1000/100),不能了解Particle落尘何处,这将对制程良率有着一定的弊端,有些低照度的紫外线灯在无尘实验室检测落尘的情况不理想,客户用到我们析浦科学仪器高强度紫外线灯XEPU-1605B照射目标物,轻易的找出目标物Particle以及生产设备的落点处,进行相关处理,提升产品合格率,解决无尘实验室落尘问题。





如上所说无尘实验室检验落尘,紫外线轻度越强,检测效果越好。紫外线灯XEPU-1605B是XEPU-1605的增强版,使用多个光学透镜,紫外线强度高达23000UW/cm2在15英寸距离(相当于380mm距离 )以上,同行业紫外线灯在相同条件下的强度只能达到10000uw/cm2左右。紫外线灯XEPU-1605B波长在365~370nm,由5×5W 365nm UV LED组成,LED平均寿命是30000小时,照射面积可达120 * 160mm(38厘米距离),使用可充电锂电池,方便携带。目前很多无尘室都做在使用析浦科学仪器XEPU-1605B紫外线灯,如:比亚迪,斯坦雷电气,捷普集团等


XEPU-1605B Particle Visualization LED UV lamp

Particle Detection, Clean Room Inspection

Visual detection of very small fibre-, lint and fluff-particles every where small under daylight invisible items are not acceptable, like manufacturing of pharmaceutical products, medicines, high-end cables, optics, valves, contact areas.

  • Visualization of fluorescent particles by UV light on all surfaces, e.g. plastic, stainless steel and aluminum as well as wipes or cleanroom clothing

  • Allows the regular visual control of contamination in the cleanroom

  • Cleaning operations can be directly optimized - without the use of a measuring device

Assembly cleanliness is of crucial importance for ensuring process and product quality. In VDA Volume 19 Part 2, which focuses on technical cleanliness in assembly, the cleanliness specification of a component, assembly or assembled system is the starting point for assembly cleanliness. The aim of all measures is to prevent particles from being introduced during assembly and the associated processes that should not be present in the component according to the cleanliness specification.

Since a wide range of cleanliness requirements can be derived from the "environment" influencing factor in particular, VDA 19.2 divides the spatial environment into different cleanliness areas with different cleanliness levels. In order to objectively evaluate the cleanliness of these areas and, if necessary, improve it with suitable measures, particles must be reliably detected and quantitatively evaluated. At XEPU Scientific, you can obtain professional measuring equipment for particle visualization and visualization of defects on smooth surfaces.

Special lamps for particle visualization

The particle visualization lamp XEPU-1605B was developed for particle visualization as part of the regular visual inspection of contaminants in the cleanroom. It emits UV light (365 nm wavelength) and thus makes fluorescent particles visible on all surfaces. Typical inspection areas include cleanroom surfaces made of stainless steel, plastic and aluminum, as well as cleanroom clothing and wiping cloths.

To protect the eyes, protective goggles should be worn during particle visualization under UV light, which are also included.

For the inspection of process chambers, machines, equipment and materials, XEPU Scientific offers a highly efficient inspection lamp. It is characterized by particularly bright light.




